Māori services
E ngā mana e ngā reo, e ngā kārangatanga maha
Mai i a matau o Te Aka Mauri, he mihi hōhonu ki a koutou katoa
Nau mai, haere mai, whakahonohono mai ki tēnei wāhi hapori, arā ko Te Aka Mauri.
He maha ngā painga me ngā hua hoki o te wāhi nei. Anei ētehi:
He wāhi pānui, rangahau, pūpuri taonga, wāhi akoranga, wāhi ngahau, he wāhi haumaru mō te whānau katoa, ahakoa ko wai, ahakoa nō whea.
He pōhiri tēnei ki a koutou kia haere mai ki tēnei wāhi mō te hapori o Rotorua katoa.
Ahakoa He pātai nui, he pātai iti hoki rānei
Kei kōnei mātau hei āwhina i a koe ki te kimi, ki te rapu i ngā mea e hiahia ana
Kaua e whakamā, haere mai ki tō wāhi hāpori
To all the prestigious lines, languages and many connected communities and people
From all of us here at Rotorua Library, we send a heartfelt greeting to you all
Welcome, connect with us at our community hub, that we call Te Aka Mauri
There is so much value and many benefits that will come from utilising our services. Here are some:
A place to read, research, find out about taonga, whakapapa and iwi histories, a place to learn, relax, be entertained and is a safe haven for all – no matter who you are or where you come from
So, no matter how big or small your query is
We are here to help you, navigate and uncover what you're looking for
So, don't be shy, come and see us at your community hub.