Popular books and authors for teens

Top Fiction Titles
Here are our most popular Fiction titles borrowed over the past year. Check them out below and we've also included links to their biographies because we think they're kind of cool. Find all the latest Teen Fiction in Rotorua Library.
Title | Author | Biography |
The scandal | John Grisham | About John Grisham |
The recruit | Robert Muchamore | About Robert Muchamore |
Crocodile tears | Anthony Horowitz | About Anthony Horowitz |
The ballad of songbirds and snakes | Suzanne Collins | About Suzanne Collins |
Five feet apart | Rachael Lippincott | About Rachael Lippincott |

Top Non-Fiction Titles
Not surprisingly, the top non-fiction titles were study guides and that's awesome because that's why we're here! Make sure you check out Study Resources for more useful information. We've included other books you can check out on these subjects too.
Title | Author | Books like this |
Chemistry Study Guide | Suzanne Boniface | Chemistry |
Revision Guide Level 1 Maths | Maths | |
Level 1 mathematics and statistics AME workbook | Phyl Haydock | Maths & Stats |
The healthy Kiwi student: a food, fitness & lifestyle guide from the Tasty Twins | Emily Martin | Youth Health |
This book is gay | Juno Dawson | LGBT |

Top Graphic Novels
The Neverland series 1 - 11 featured prominently in the Top 25 issues over the last year. Kaiu Shirai (白井 カイウ) is the pen name of the mangaka who created the first in the series of The Promised Neverland back in 2015. Check out all the Graphic Novels in our Teens area.
The promised Neverland (1 & 2) | Kaiu Shirai |
Alex Rider 6 | Anthony Horowitz |
Drama | Raina Telgemeier |
My hero academia 1 | Hirofumi Neda |
Dragonball super 8 | Kōhei Horikoshi |