
How to Join
Find the membership type that best suits you below and follow the link to join online.
Digital Membership
Free access to download e-books, e-audiobooks, newspapers, magazines and electronic subscription databases.
- Proof of ID or residential address is not needed.
- Can be changed into a full membership at a later date.
Rotorua Residents
Membership entitles you to borrow books, magazines, DVDs, free access to download e-books, e-audio books, newspapers, magazines, electronic subscription databases and Heritage and Research resources.
Conditions of Membership
Adult Membership
- 18 years of age or over
- Provide ID and proof of your residential address
Junior Membership 0-17 years
- Your parent/guardian needs to produce ID and proof of current address.
- You will have access all library resources other than any age-rated DVDs, etc.
Visitor Card
For visitors and their families who would like to borrow whilst on holiday, attending a conference or are temporarily working in Rotorua for a short time.
- $10 charge per month
- Provide proof of ID
School Class Card
- School Class Card Membership Application
- School Class Card Membership Renewal Form
- School Class Conditions of Membership
Bay of Plenty Residents
OneCard holders
- Residents of Kawerau, Opotiki, Taupō, Western Bay of Plenty and Whakatane can use their home library card at Rotorua Library.
- Must return books to the Library they are borrowed from.
Tauranga residents
- Provide ID and proof of current address OR current Tauranga City Library card.
- Free membership.
- Must return books to Library they are borrowed from.