Books Against Bullying event at Rotorua Library

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Books Against Bullying event at Rotorua Library

What is Books against Bullying?

Books against Bullying is an event that invites whānau to listen to stories that promote kindness and acceptance and promotes Pink Shirt Day. The event is aimed at younger children and incorporates singing, dancing and book reading by a variety of local community superstars.

Who are the community super stars and what books will they be reading?

The books will be selected from a range of published titles that are already or have been in the Rotorua Library children’s collection. The children’s collection is managed under the Library Collections Policy, which complies with the Films, Videos and Publications Act 1993, Copyright Act 1993 and is guided by the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions Statues.

Currently we have the following storytellers and suggested titles. These may change due to availability on the day and change in book selection.

When is Books Against Bullying and who can attend?

Books Against Bullying is scheduled for Saturday 18 May 2024 at 1.00pm for approximately 1 hour, in the Community Pride Space on the Ground Floor.

The event is targeted at pre-schoolers and primary school aged children and their caregivers. To ensure these age groups are prioritised only adults accompanied by a child will be welcomed into the event space. Any other member of the public can view the event from adjoining spaces inside the Library.

As the Community Pride Space is part of the open plan nature of the Ground Floor, people in other spaces may hear the event. Users can choose to either head to a quieter space within the Library or come back at another time.

What is Pink Shirt Day?

Pink Shirt Day is about working together to stop bullying by celebrating diversity and promoting kindness and inclusiveness.

It is about creating a community where all people feel safe, valued and respected, regardless of gender identity, sexual orientation, age, ability, religion or cultural background.

Pink Shirt Day has been celebrated in New Zealand since 2012 and raises funds for the Mental Health Foundation.

Why is Rotorua Library supporting Pink Shirt Day?

Rotorua Library provides materials, services and information about a wide range of topics that contain different viewpoints, respecting people’s right to freedom of information. As such, we hold events and activities that reflect the diversity in our community. We aim to provide positive experiences, share different perspectives and encourage understanding, a sense of acceptance and belonging to all members of the community.

We are supporting Pink Shirt Day as it aligns strongly with the purpose of the Library and Council's organisational values being inclusivity, anti-bullying and positivity.

We recognise that not everyone will share the same beliefs. It is not the role of a Library to hide or withdraw access to ideas or topics. As a dynamic part of the community, the Library provides information in a variety of ways to stimulate learning and an exchange of information. The Library aims to present information in a respectful way that enables individuals to make their own decisions about what to read or attend.

Does Council support this event?

The Council supports the Library to be an inclusive and safe space that encourages understanding and tolerance in our community.

I still have a question, who can I get in touch with?

Feel free to give us a call on (07) 348 4177 if you have any further questions, or send us an email